If you really want to make the most out of this course and dive deep into strengthening your marriage….
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distance has crept into your marriage.
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*this is a digital product nothing will be shipped to you
Sometimes your marriage needs a fresh start, how about a fun activity with new vows?
Make a new commitment with your spouse for a successful future!
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I’ve been blessed to help over a thousand marriages just like yours through the resources on my site. It is my mission that every marriage can achieve the “oneness” that the Bible speaks of in Gen 2:24. Every marriage has areas that are ready for growth and I want to help you achieve all your marriage goals!
I’ve been married to my spouse for over 10 years. We began our marriage by taking a deep dive into what God expects from each of us, and have continued to build on the foundation of Christ in our marriage. God has always been the third cord in our marriage, we make sure He is involved in all of our huge decisions, and most of the small ones. We are constantly depending on His wisdom and grace through the ups and downs in our marriage. No marriage is perfect, that doesn’t mean you can’t strive to be better.
I want every marriage to be successful, so I take the wisdom that I have learned from God’s word and of course- the experience in my own marriage and help other couples overcome their own struggles.
The His & Her Workbooks come with:
Yes, everything comes as a downloadable PDF file. They are meant to be printed out for use.
I offer a 100% money back guarantee within 72 hours of purchase. If you decide that this purchase is not a right fit, just send me an email and I’ll refund you!
I don’t think people should have to shell out big bucks to get marriage help. I created these workbooks because I wanted the option to take a deeper dive into the course and priced them at a price point that is affordable.
These workbooks are meant to be taken together as a married couple, however they can still benefit a spouse by helping you work on yourself. You can use the marriage notebooks to dig deeper into becoming a better spouse.
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