
Acts Prayer Model: The 4-Step Plan to Connect Deeper With God

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Learn how using the Acts prayer model can transform your connection with God. This easy-to-follow model guides you through adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication for deeper, more powerful prayer.

Prayer is vital for connecting us to God, yet many believers struggle to make prayer a consistent part of their daily lives. Having a method or structure for prayer can greatly enhance our communication with the Lord. One helpful approach is using the A.C.T.S. prayer model. This acronym serves as an easy-to-remember guide for the key elements of prayer and facilitates a meaningful conversation with our Creator.

In this comprehensive ACTS prayer guide, we will explore the meaning and purpose behind the A.C.T.S. prayer method. You’ll learn how to use this prayer outline for enriching your personal and family prayer times. Let’s begin by understanding what the A.C.T.S. acronym represents as an acrostic for prayer.


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What Does A.C.T.S. Stand For | ACTS Prayer Meaning

The A.C.T.S. acronym outlines four vital aspects of prayer to God:

A – Adoration C – Confession
T – Thanksgiving S – Supplication

The ACTS prayer model first guides us to begin with adoration of God for who He is, followed by confession and repentance, then thanksgiving for all His blessings. Finally, we present our petitions and requests to Him. Using this prayer outline helps ensure our conversations with God include all the essential elements for bringing us into His presence.

The ACTS prayer format is a biblical model that aligns with examples of prayer throughout Scripture. By praying in this Spirit-led order, we can overcome feelings of uncertainty or intimidation about how to talk to our Creator. This method serves as a guide for meaningful, well-rounded prayer.

But please remember that the ACTS prayer method, is just one type of prayer. You do not have to use this way to pray or use this model, you can simple talk to God like a friend. Click here if you want to learn how to pray.

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The Meaning Behind Each Part of the ACTS Prayer Model

Now let’s explore the significance of each component of the A.C.T.S. prayer acronym:

A – Stands for Adoration

Adoration means expressing our love, awe, and praise to God simply for who He is. These prayers of adoration acknowledge the Lord’s greatness and exalt His holy name.

Starting our prayer time focusing on how we adore God reminds us of His supreme glory, perfection, holiness, and sovereignty over all creation. It shifts our mindset to recognizing God’s presence and majestic nature before bringing our requests and needs to Him.

Examples of adoration include:

  • Praising God and His attributes – His love, mercy, grace, wisdom, goodness, etc.
  • Thanking Him for His eternal nature, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
  • Worshipping Him through Scripture prayers, hymns, and spiritual songs.
  • Proclaiming aspects of His character – “God, you are mighty, holy, righteous, and just.”

As King David modeled in the Psalms, beginning prayer with adoration prepares our hearts to commune with our great God. It ushers us into reverent worship rather than rushing thoughtlessly to our wish list.

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Collage of a woman holding and presenting a prayer journal. The text promotes a 60-day guided prayer journal to enhance one's prayer life and highlights its value in nurturing and organizing prayers.

C – Stands for Confession

Confession is acknowledging and repenting of our sins before God. This vital part of prayer aligns our hearts with holiness as we approach our Creator. We all sin, and we should confess our sins to God.

Examples of prayers of confession include:

  • Admitting specific sins and failures that Holy Spirit brings to mind.
  • Asking the Lord to search our hearts and reveal any areas that need repentance.
  • Claiming 1 John 1:9, asking God to cleanse and forgive us of unrighteousness.

Confession requires humility and transparency with the Lord. As we agree with Him about the sin in our lives, He is faithful to grant forgiveness and cleansing through Christ’s redemption. This purifies our relationship with God and prepares us to receive His blessings.

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T – Stands for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving means expressing gratitude for all the Lord has done for us. These prayers recognize the many gifts God provides, including salvation through Jesus, spiritual blessings, material provisions, answered prayers, guidance and divine intervention.

Examples of thanksgiving prayers include:

  • Thanking God for spiritual blessings – salvation, hope, purpose, growth.
  • Give thanks to Him for physical provisions – health, shelter, food, and relationships.
  • Recalling specific prayers He has answered.
  • Appreciating His daily guidance, wisdom, and discernment.

Cultivating a heart of gratitude keeps us mindful of God’s faithfulness in past and present. Thanking Him for blessings already received also builds faith to trust Him for future needs. As Colossians 4:2 instructs, we are to devote ourselves to prayer with thanksgiving.

S – Stands for Supplication

Supplication means humbly bringing our requests and needs to God. We present our petitions both for ourselves and on behalf of others. Importantly, supplication requires aligning our will with His greater plan versus simply “naming and claiming” what we want.

Examples of supplication prayers include:

  • Seeking God’s guidance on decisions.
  • Asking Him to meet material needs – finances, resources, health concerns.
  • Requesting help in relationships and spiritual growth.
  • Praying for the salvation of prodigals.
  • Bringing the needs of our community and world before Him.

As we make our supplications, we must pray with surrendered hearts as Jesus modeled in Luke 22:42, “Not my will but yours be done.” God promises to answer prayers offered in faith according to His timing and purpose.

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The Powerful Benefits of Praying A.C.T.S.

Using the ACTS pattern of prayer brings many valuable benefits:

  • Gives structure: Following this prayer method provides helpful structure for conversing with God rather than trying to think up what to pray on the spot. The acronym acts as a guide ensuring we cover each key element.
  • Creates balance: It ensures our prayers incorporate adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and petition rather than just focusing on our requests. This brings a healthy balance to our prayer life.
  • Facilitates listening: Moving through the components creates pauses to listen to the Lord rather than just offering a one-way recital of requests. This increases two-way interaction with God.
  • Fosters thoroughness: Using A.C.T.S. helps us pray through each aspect thoroughly rather than quick, generic prayers. This leads to deeper, more intentional prayer.
  • Deepens intimacy: Following this model nurtures intimacy with God as we express love, maintain holiness, cultivate gratitude, and trust Him with requests. Our relationship with the Lord grows.
  • Aligns prayers to God’s will: Adoration and confession prepare our hearts to pray aligned with the Lord’s purposes. Thanksgiving increases faith, and supplication is offered with surrender to God’s perfect plan.
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The Biblical Foundation of A.C.T.S. Prayer

While the A.C.T.S. acronym itself does not appear in Scripture, it is firmly based on Biblical teachings about prayer. Here are some examples of the four elements of prayer:

  • Adoration: “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord…For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised.” (Psalm 95:1, 3)
  • Confession: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
  • Thanksgiving: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
  • Supplication: “By prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6) “Pray for one another” (James 5:16)

This model helps us follow David’s example to “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise” (Psalm 100:4) and Jesus’ instruction to first honor God before bringing petitions by praying “hallowed be Your name” (Matthew 6:9).

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Examples to Pray Using the ACTS Prayer Method

To help you start praying this way in your own prayer times, here are some examples using the ACTS prayer method :

Short Acts Prayer Example

Adoration – “Heavenly Father, you are mighty, glorious, and holy. I worship you.”

Confession – “Please forgive me for where I have sinned today in thought, word and deed.”

Thanksgiving – “Thank you for your grace upon grace that covers all my sins.”

Supplication – “I need your wisdom for an upcoming decision at work. Please grant discernment.”

Detailed A C T S Prayer Example

Adoration – “Our Father in Heaven, as I come to Your throne of grace, I praise you as the one true God, Maker of heaven and earth. Your ways are higher than my ways. I worship you as El-Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty, whose power and understanding are unlimited. You are holy, righteous, and just. I honor your majesty and greatness.”

Confession – “Father, please reveal any areas of sin in my heart and life that are displeasing to you. Cleanse me from pride, anger, selfishness, laziness, or any other sins. Forgive me for the times I have forgotten you today or failed to walk in your ways. Thank you for your mercies which are new every morning.”

Thanksgiving – “I thank you, Lord, for the gift of this new day, for health, family, friends, and provision. Thank you for your Word which guides my life and shows me your ways. Thank you for saving me and adopting me into your family. I am grateful that you are always with me, and your Spirit lives in me.”

Supplication – “God, I lift up those in my circle of influence who don’t know you personally. I ask that you draw their hearts to you. Reveal yourself to them through dreams, other believers, or your Word. Give me the compassion and courage to share about your love and salvation. I also pray for healing for those battling illnesses, peace for those going through trials, and provision for the poor and hungry.”

Ultimate prayer list comprising 100 daily prayers.

A Child’s A.C.T.S. of Prayer Example

Adoration – “Our Father in Heaven, you are good, loving and awesome. Thank you for creating me.”

Confession – “I’m sorry I fought with my sister earlier today.”

Thanksgiving – “I’m thankful for my family, my home, and that you give me what I need.”

Supplication – “Please be with all the sick kids in hospitals. Help my baby sister feel better from her ear infection. Help me share your love.”

Tips for Learning How to Pray the ACTS Prayer Acronym

Here are some helpful tips for implementing the A.C.T.S. method during your regular prayer times:

  • Start by quieting your heart before God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers.
  • Spend time in each area rather than rushing through the acronym. Linger over areas where God leads you to focus.
  • Write out your A.C.T.S. prayers in a prayer journal to keep your thoughts focused.
  • Begin practicing A.C.T.S. for your personal prayer times, then integrate it into family and group prayer settings.
  • If you struggle praying aloud, write out your A.C.T.S. prayers until you gain confidence praying out loud.
  • Be authentic. Have honest conversations with God as you would your closest friend.
  • Allow flexibility. God may lead you to focus on certain elements more than others at different times.
  • Close your prayer time giving God glory and praying in Jesus’ name.

Transform Your Prayer Life Using This Effective Model

In summary, the A.C.T.S. prayer method provides an easy-to-follow template for talking to God. This acronym guides you through Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication—the vital aspects of a healthy prayer life.

Whether you struggle to know what to pray or get stuck repeating the same requests, implementing this prayer outline can rejuvenate your communication with the Lord. It creates more balance, structure, and thoroughness in your prayers.

Most importantly, following this model nurtures intimacy with God. As we express adoration, maintain holiness through confession, cultivate thankfulness, and trust Him with our requests, we draw closer to our Father. He also receives the worship and reverence He deserves.

So enrich your own and your family’s prayer life starting today using the A.C.T.S. prayer method. As you practice conversing with God through this outline, you’ll experience new fulfillment, alignment, and power in your prayers.

Teach Children to Pray the ACTS Model:

Frequently Asked Questions About the A.C.T.S. Prayer Method

What if I struggle with only asking God for things during prayer?

The A.C.T.S. method helps overcome only making supplication requests by first focusing on adoration, confession, and thanksgiving. This brings more balance to your prayers. Set a timer if needed to ensure you spend time in each area.

Is there a certain order I need to follow for A.C.T.S. prayer?

Generally starting with adoration is recommended to center your heart on God. The other elements can be prayed in any order that feels natural as the Lord leads. Simply cover each aspect through the course of your prayer time.

How long should I pray using the A.C.T.S. method?

This prayer model is flexible for any length of time from a few minutes to an hour or more. Aim to incorporate each component without rushing. You may focus longer on certain elements that God highlights for that day.

What if I get stuck or distracted during A.C.T.S. prayer?

Ask the Holy Spirit to refocus your heart and show you which aspect to pray through next. Silently praying the names of God, the Lord’s Prayer or worship songs can get you back on track.

Can I just use my own words rather than formal prayers?

Absolutely! A.C.T.S. prayer is simply a guide; converse with God from your heart in your own words. Stay engaged by making your prayers personal rather than reciting stale or repetitive religious phrases.

How can I practice A.C.T.S prayer if I am intimidated by praying out loud?

If you’re nervous praying out loud, begin writing out your A.C.T.S. prayers to become comfortable with the model. Once you gain confidence, transition to speaking your prayers softly, then at full voice.

I hope these tips help you effectively implement the A.C.T.S. method for transforming your prayer life! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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