Urgent Prayer Request: Are you in Need of Immediate Prayer?
Have an urgent prayer request? You can find 2 free done-for-you prayers here. Plus safe places to submit online prayers!
Do you have an urgent prayer request that you need help with? Are you feeling overwhelmed with life’s challenges and in need of divine intervention? You are not alone. There are many resources available to help you connect with others who can pray for you and offer support during difficult times.
Below you’ll find two done-for-you prayers that you can pray during urgencies for yourself and for others. You can also use the option to submit a prayer online through the online resource table below.
How to Pray for Urgent Prayer Requests On Your Own
When someone comes to you with an urgent prayer request, it can be overwhelming to know how to pray. Here are a few tips to help guide you in your prayers:
- Start with gratitude: Begin your prayer by thanking the Lord for His love and faithfulness. Express gratitude for the opportunity to lift up this request and trust in His sovereignty.
- Pray for peace: When someone is facing an urgent situation, it can be easy to feel anxious or overwhelmed. Pray for God’s peace to surround them and for them to feel His presence in the midst of their circumstances.
- Pray for wisdom: Ask God to give the person wisdom and discernment as they navigate their situation. Pray that they would be able to see things clearly and make wise decisions.
- Pray for strength: Urgent prayer requests can be emotionally and physically draining. Pray for strength and endurance for the person as they face their situation.
- Pray for healing: If the request is related to physical health, pray for God’s healing and restoration. Don’t be scared to pray for a miracle and believe in His healing power. Ask for His comfort and peace to be with the person and their loved ones.
Remember, when you pray for someone, you are standing in the gap for them. You are interceding on their behalf and bringing their needs before the throne of God. Trust in His power and love to work in their lives.
As Christ said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” So, as you pray for urgent requests, know that Christ is with you and the person you are praying for.
If you are unsure of what to pray, there are two prayers below or you can always turn to the
Pray with confidence, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers according to His will.
Urgent Prayer Requests for Yourself
If you are going through a difficult situation, you may feel overwhelmed and helpless. During such times, prayer can be a powerful tool to help you find comfort, peace, and strength. Emergency prayer requests can be made when you are facing a crisis or emergency and need immediate assistance.
Here is a prayer you can pray for yourself:
*If you would like to print this please grab this for free at the end of this post*
Urgent Prayer Request for Someone Else
When you have a loved one who is going through a difficult time, it can be hard to know what to do to help. One thing you can always do is pray for them. Interceding on behalf of someone else is a powerful way to show your love and support for them.
If someone you care about is in need of urgent prayer, take a moment to pause and pray for them right now.
Here is a prayer you can pray for someone else:
*If you would like to print this please grab this for free at the end of this post*
You may replace “for those” and “them” with the person you are praying for by their name.
Remember that God is always with us, even in our darkest moments. By praying for someone else, you are inviting God’s love and light into their life, and showing them that they are not alone.
You can also consider also reaching out to your church community or prayer group to ask for their support in praying for your loved one. You don’t have to share all the details of what’s going on if you don’t feel comfortable, but simply asking for prayers for someone who is struggling can be a powerful way to bring people together and show your loved one that they are not alone.
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Churches You Can Submit Urgent Prayer Requests Free Online To
If you are in need of urgent prayer, you can submit an online prayer request online to various churches. This is a great way to receive support from Christians around the world who are committed to interceding on your behalf. They have a prayer team waiting to see your request!
These are all free online prayer requests that have 24-hour prayer warriors waiting to receive your Christian prayer request. Whether you need to submit for miracle prayer requests online, need to submit a prayer request for miracle healing, or just need a non-urgent answer from God. These online free prayer request sites will pray for you.
When you submit an urgent prayer request, it is important to provide as much detail as possible about your situation. This will help those praying for you to know exactly what to pray for. You can also request specific prayers, such as for healing, financial breakthroughs, or guidance in making a difficult decision.
Ideas of Prayer Requests to Submit
- Prayer for Strength
- Your Friend’s Salvation
- Deliverance
- Help Financially
- Restore Marriage
- Pray for People
- Forgiveness
- Miraculous Healing for sickness, bleeding, swelling, etc
- Pregnancy, birth, premature babies
- Marriage Separation
- Complete Healing
- Immediate prayer request
- Prayer request for healing
- Help that God answers your prayers
- Your brothers and sisters in Christ
- When you need a miracle
- For your spouse to stay faithful
- For a relationship to get better
- Help to honor parents
Here are some churches you can submit your prayer requests to:
Church Name | Prayer Request Link |
Christ the Rock Community Church | Submit Prayer Request |
Daily Effective Prayer | Submit Prayer Request |
The Encouraging Word | Submit Prayer Request |
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association | Request Prayer |
American | Prayer Request |
These churches have 24-hour prayer lines where you can submit your prayer requests. Once you submit your request, a team of intercessors will pray for you and your family. You can submit your request anonymously if you prefer.
When you submit a prayer request online, you become part of a ministry that is committed to supporting you in your time of need. You will receive spiritual and emotional support from fellow Christians who understand what you are going through.
If you are struggling with a difficult situation and need prayer, don’t hesitate to submit a prayer request to one of these churches. They are committed to helping you and will stand with you in prayer.
In times of distress, praying can provide comfort and hope. You are trusting in the one true God who knows your future, your pain, your trials AND how you’ll overcome them. You’re placing faith in God to help you and others in times of need.
In addition to prayer, if you need professional due to struggling with mental health issues, addiction or other serious problems please seek help from a qualified professional. Just like we seek doctors for help with our bodies, God has placed qualified people to help in all our other needs as well.
God Bless you!
Grab your two free urgent prayers here: