How to Spend Time with God by Quickly Pausing 25 Ways
1. Write a verse on your bathroom mirror is the perfect way to learn how to spend time with God in the morning
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? I’m pretty sure a huge percentage of us wake up and use the bathroom, and then wash our hands. Is there a mirror in your bathroom? Simply using a dry erase marker to write down a favorite verse can change your outlook on your day.
Need a verse to write? Try Lamentations 3:22-23 as a reminder that no matter what happened yesterday, God’s mercies are new every morning.
[blockquote align=”center” author=”Lamentations 3:22-23″]
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
2. Set a reminder on your phone
Do you have a break time at work? Or a scheduled nap time for your kids? Can you think of a time during the day where you can set a reminder to spend some time with God? Set an alarm on your phone. When it goes off grab your
For example:
Monday- Pray
Tuesday – Read
Wednesday – Read Devotional
Repeat or mix up however you’d like!
3. Read a devotional
There are so many to choose from but I’ll show you my personal favorites! I like getting paperback books, but if you’re always on the go or don’t mind reading from a kindle or phone you can grab them on kindle!
Morning by morning is my all time favorite devotional ever.
4. Set a life cue
I have so many of these. Simply put, when you experience something, let that experience remind you to seek God. So when I am overly joyful, I pause and thank God. When I am desperate, I seek God. When tears start flowing, I cry out to God.
I even have this life cue, when my mind says “I need…” I fill that in with Jesus. Do you do that? When you’re bored, or when you don’t know what to do, and you think “I need to (blank)” or “I want to (blank)” to fill in some time? Discipline yourself to fill in that extra time with Jesus.
I created a free email course teaching exactly how to do this! You can click here to check it out!
5. Put a verse where you spend a lot of time
For me, that’s the kitchen. I love to cook. And we have a family of five so that means lots and lots of dishes. You can print out a verse, or write one on a notecard and tape it above your sink.
Or on your treadmill.
If you have a job, place it on your desk. Tape it to the bottom of your computer screen.
Wherever you spend time, I’m sure there’s a little room somewhere to put a verse.
Need a verse? Here’s one from the book of Proverbs:
[blockquote align=”center” author=”Proverbs 30:5″]
Every word of God is pure;
He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.
Want to grab some scripture cards? Sign up for my free anxiety scripture verse card here in this post:
Free Printable Anxiety Scripture Card
6. Replace your Facebook icon on your phone screen with the Bible app
It’s a habit, right? We unlock our phones and our finger is automatically drawn to our Facebook app. What if you removed Facebook from your home screen? Or even just moved it to a different location and replaced it with the
I love the YouVersion Bible App. It comes with all translations, you can even download your favorite so it’s available offline. It gives you a daily scripture and even has devotionals and reading plans! It’s all in one and amazing.
Here’s a screenshot of the
7. Add God to your Kitchen table
Do you eat at your table? Maybe you don’t and you eat on your couch?
Either way, pausing before we eat to simply thank God that we have a meal is a wonderful way to meet Him right where you are.
You can also add a devotional to your eating time. I like to read a children’s devotional to our children during breakfast.
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You could even place a devotional flip calendar on your table so you can read something short while you eat!
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8. Replace your book with the Bible
Are you an avid reader? What if you took a few minutes or even half of your reading time and began with God’s word?
Don’t know where to start in the
If you want to keep track check out this printable Bible tracker!
9. Set an intentional time
Years ago, my pastor said something that struck me to my core. That a friend had a specific time every day that they would get quiet before God. And everyone knew, not to bother him at that time.
As a mom, I don’t have that luxury. But I do wake up before my children so that I can get some quality time with my Savior. Sometimes that time is cut short or doesn’t happen when my children wake up early. And that’s ok. I still try. And I still pause during the rest of my day to seek God.
Can you think of a time that you can get some one-on-one time with God in? Start with a simple prayer and then read His word.
10. Put a verse as your phone home screen
This is super simple. And if you’d like I have a post you can check out here to get 3 free encouraging verse printables, you can hang them up on your wall, like in tip 12 or just screenshot them as a background!
That way, when you open your phone, you have a chance to read a verse. You could even use this as an opportunity to memorize a verse to help you in times of trouble or times of joy. If you read it every time you unlock your phone, you should have the verse memorized in no time!
11. Recognize when to give thanks
If you’re a Christian (which by reading this I’m assuming you are), you’ve probably come to understand that God plays a huge role in our lives.
Looking back over your life I’m sure everyone had a few times where they thought life was going the wrong way but then realized that if those things didn’t happen, you wouldn’t be where you are today.
Recognize those times to give God thanks.
And not just those times, the little times too. Did you have some sort of victory today? Thank Him.
My husband still makes fun of me that I thank God for a front row parking spot. I thank Jesus for everything that I can.
Creating a grateful relationship with our Savior is important in our walks. It helps us see all He does so that in hard times we can look back and see His faithfulness.
12. Hang up some wall art in your favorite spot
A chance for decor? Count me in. Do you have a spot in your home that you like to spend the most time? A desk? The living room? Your bedroom? Grab some wall art and hang it up. Like mentioned before in tip 10, I have 3 free encouraging verse printables that would be perfect for this.
13. Put a reminder on a bookmark for your favorite book
What could the reminder be? It could say “stop and pray” or just a simple verse. If you read a lot, chances are you use a bookmark. And if something on your bookmark is a reminder, you can use it every time you open up your book and do what’s on the bookmark before you start reading.
Maybe it’s a reminder to read your
If you’re looking for creative ways to spend time with God you can make a bookmark! I love this tutorial on how to make tassle embroidery floss bookmarks!
Or just buy one here:
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14. Replace your music with some Christian jams
Music has a huge influence on us. Can I challenge you? If you’re not listening to Christian music try to for 30 days straight.
See how it changes your life.
There is Christain music for everyone. I grew up listening to hip hop and r&b. While I don’t listen to that style of music much anymore, when I switched to Christian hip hop and r&b it changed my life. I even believe it played a huge role in my husband’s salvation.
There’s even Christian hard metal.
Trust me, you can find what you like out there. God can use anyone to create music for His glory.
15. Listen to worship music while you clean or work out
Speaking of Christian music, why not listen to it while you’re cleaning? Or working out? Not all Christain songs are slow, there are some amazing songs with a faster tempo that would be perfect for working out!
Here are a few songs on my playlist:
16. Subscribe to a Bible reading plan
In tip 6 I recommended the Bible app. It comes with reading plans. There are plans for everyone!
Here’s a screenshot of the plans that come up when I click on them on my phone:
17. Listen to a podcast
I didn’t start listening to podcasts until this year. And boy, do I LOVE them. There are so many that can help you in all areas of your life. You can listen to podcasts to grow your faith, your marriage, basically anything you can think of.
You can even just listen to sermons!
If you have an Iphone you can listen on iTunes for free, I have an Android and I use an app called Castbox.
Here’s a list of 50+ Christian Podcasts broken down by categories!
18. Catch up on some sermons
Does your church record it’s sermons? Nowadays you can find SO many sermons online. Here are some I recommend:
19. Pray before you drive
A simple prayer before driving can become an amazing habit for all Christians. Pray for safety on the road, or just simply pray about anything.
20. Resolve to make car time- God time
Speaking of praying in your car, why not turn the music down and spend some time talking to God on your drive? A conversation with God does not need to be formal. You can talk to Him about literally anything.
On your way to work and want to share some juicy gossip? Tell God instead and leave it there.
Having a hard time with your children fighting in the back seat? Tell Jesus about it. Ask Him for help on how to handle the situation.
Is there tension in one of your relationships? Speak to God about it. Ask Him to help you with your next steps.
Something amazing just happened in your life? Praise God and thank Him!
21. Pray before a hard decision
Do you have a choice that you need to make?
Can I tell you that God already knows the answer? He knows exactly what you should do. So why not ask Him?
Want to buy a house? It would probably be wise to seek God first. You don’t know what your future holds, but He does.
Want to marry someone? Start a new business venture? Move church homes? Get pregnant? Seek the One who knows the answers.
22. Sign up for an email challenge
Love reading emails? There are so many bloggers out there that you can connect with and gain wisdom from. Most of them have free email challenges that will help you grow in your walk.
I have an email course teaching you how to “S.E.L.A.H.” by using life cues to pause and seek God! Sign up below:
Here are a few of my favorites:
Are you creative?
My good friend Lillian over at has a 5 day Micro
Over on, you can join her 5 Day Challenge: Build a Life-Proof
23. Start a scripture writing plan
I didn’t hear about this until this year! And I have to say when I began my first one I fell in love. You basically pick a topic and start by reading the verse in your
Here are a few links to some of her plans:
24. Start a prayer journal
Sometimes some of us just need to write. It’s almost like writing a letter to your Heavenly Father. Writing out your prayers can be so relaxing. Make sure to date them so you can see what you prayed for in your past that God answered.
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25. Just read your Bible .
This should be your number one goal. Time spent with God in His word will never be regretted. You’ll grow closer to God every time. And feed your spirit. Reading my
Don’t know where to start? Start with the gospel of John.
Don’t have a
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There are plenty of really quick ways to learn how to spend time with God in this post! Pick a couple and start growing closer to God! Let spending time with God transform you life and grow your faith in your Creator.
Thank you for this lovely post! I pinned this post and the bookmark tutorial. I love how– in addition to your own great content–you’ve linked to other Christian bloggers. Well done!
Thank you Kim!
I really need to put a scripture in front of the sink for when I do dishes…
It’s definitely a great place to spend some time with God! And memorize scripture =)
LOVE this!! Number four is my favorite! I can’t wait to add that one to my day. I do many of the others but that was a new one for me and I think it’s perfect!! Looking forward to sharing this on FB later this week!
Thank you so much Deb! I didn’t really know what to name number 4 haha, but I know it’s something I do that may help others so I added it in, I’m so glad you find this helpful!
I really enjoyed reading your post and will make this a personal study project to begin implementing in my life. Point 9, set an intentional time, really struck a chord with me. As soon as I read it my mind went to Daniel’s experience in the bible. He had a set prayer time with God that everyone knew about and he allowed NOTHING to interrupt his spiritual schedule. That’s my aim and I’m excited to start it. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jem! Have you started yet? I’d love to know if it’s making a difference in your life!
This is great. I take my bible app and my plan and I use the “read it to me” portion in the morning when it’s just me so I can still get lunches together, fold the laundry or whatever and still listen. I don’t need to look to have time.