
10 Effective Prayers for Men in Your Life to Cover with God’s Power

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10 bold Scripture-based prayers for men of faith. Pray for men’s courage, wisdom, purity, and humility before God with these prayer points.

Prayer is a powerful way to connect with God and lift up the men and boys in your life. With so many challenges facing men today, focused prayer can make a real difference. This article will explore why prayer for men is so important and provide practical prayer points for the men and boys you care about. 

This article will explore 10 potent prayers for men you can pray to unleash God’s power over the men and boys around you. When you intercede for the men in your circles, you open spiritual channels for God to work mightily in and through them. Let’s discover how to use prayer points to cover the men in your life with God’s blessing, guidance, protection, and purpose through the gift of prayer.

Why Pray for Men and Boys?

Prayer makes a powerful difference in people’s lives. When we bring those we care about before God in prayer, we invite His power, love, wisdom, and intervention into their circumstances. God loves when we lift up men in prayer and it’s important because of the unique challenges and pressures they face in our modern world.

Many men today deal with issues like addiction, depression, unemployment, fatherlessness, and marital struggles. They encounter temptations to sin and destructive behavior at every turn. The distractions of technology and constant busyness make it difficult to maintain spiritual focus. In the midst of these challenges, men need prayer cover to access God’s grace and help.

Your prayers for the men in your life open their hearts to be shaped by God. Prayer reminds them of complete dependence on the Lord rather than their own strength. Your intercession invites the Holy Spirit to mold their character to reflect Jesus more fully. As you lift men up in prayer, your words become spiritual fuel to ignite their calling.

In addition, your prayers provide spiritual protection from enemy attacks. When you intercede for men, you fight alongside them against anything seeking to derail their destiny. Prayer covers men with God’s armor, shielding them against destructive arrows aimed their way.

Your words have power – especially when you direct them to God on behalf of your loved ones! Make prayer for the men around you a vital priority. Your intercession can unlock breakthroughs, blessings, healing, and purpose for men facing battles on every side. The world needs more men walking fully in their God-given identity and potential – and your prayers help make this happen!

Collage of a woman holding and presenting a prayer journal. The text promotes a 60-day guided prayer journal to enhance one's prayer life and highlights its value in nurturing and organizing prayers.

How to Pray for a Man

Praying for the men around you is a powerful way to unleash God’s strength, wisdom, and purpose over their lives. But how do you pray meaningful, targeted prayers for the men you care about?

1. Ask God to reveal specific needs in a man’s life so you can intercede for him in your prayers for him. Listen for promptings from the Holy Spirit about struggles he may be facing or growth areas to focus your prayers on. Bring those needs before God’s throne, asking for breakthrough and empowerment.

2. Pray God’s Word over him, claiming specific Scripture promises for his life. For example, while you’re praying for him, pray for purity from 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, wisdom from  James 1:5, courage from Joshua 1:9, leadership from 1 Timothy 3:1-7, and spiritual strength from Ephesians 3:16. Declare these Scriptures in prayer over him.

3. Cover him in intercessory prayer before major decisions, transitions, or challenges he’s facing. Ask God to guide his steps and fill him with wisdom and discernment for the task ahead.

4. Ask God to transform his inner life – his desires, thoughts, attitudes and character. Pray for spiritual fruit like love, joy and peace to mark his life (Galatians 5:22-23). Uplift him to the Father regularly in prayer. Your prayers make a powerful difference in helping the men around you fulfill their destiny!

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Practical Prayer Points for Men

You can use these as a prayer for a man and just fill in the blanks with their name. Just grab a short prayer for him and start praying!

1. Pray for men to grow in intimacy with God

  • Heavenly Father, please draw _______ into greater intimacy with You. Help him to pursue Your presence daily through prayer, worship, and time in Your Word. Empower him to hear Your voice with clarity as he seeks You. Give him grace to respond in obedience to Your leading in every area of life.
  • Lord, I pray You would set _______’s heart ablaze for You. Fan his faith into flame. Increase his hunger for Your Word, Your presence, and Your glory. Captivate his heart with Your love. Fill him afresh with Your Holy Spirit each day.

2. Pray for Godly guidance and direction

  • God, I pray for Your clear direction over _______’s life. Make Your will for his life plain and help him to walk in it with courage and joyful surrender. Order his steps according to Your purpose. Lead him to any people, resources, or opportunities he needs to fulfill Your calling.
  • Heavenly Father, please grant ______ wisdom beyond his years. In areas where Your will is unclear, I pray he would wait patiently on Your timing and direction. Increase his discernment so that he can recognize Your voice and obey Your leading.

3. Pray for purity in relationships

  • Lord, I pray You would guard _______’s eyes, mind, and heart. Keep him from sexual temptation and protect him from inappropriate relationships. Help him to live purely in Your sight. Strengthen him to flee from sin and run to You.
  • God, empower _______ to love his wife selflessly. Build greater intimacy across all levels of their relationship – spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Teach him to serve, honor, and cherish her as Christ loves the church. Unify their marriage and deepen their friendship.
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4. Pray for courageous faith

  • Lord, continue to build _______’s trust in You. Give him bold faith to step out in obedience to Your call, even when it feels risky or uncertain. Embolden him to lead his family in following You, no matter what life brings their way.
  • God, I pray _______ would be strong and courageous for You. Help him take a stand for biblical values in the workplace and culture. Empower his witness for Christ and enable him to disciple other believers in faithfulness to You.

5. Pray for healthy leadership

  • Father, I pray You would grow _______ into a Spirit-led servant-leader. Fill him with supernatural wisdom, discernment, humility, strength, and grace to lead his family and others well. Help him inspire and equip those under his care to align with Your purposes. Make him a blessing everywhere You call him to lead.
  • Lord, I ask You to continually mold _______’s leadership gifts and character. Shape him into a godly steward who stewards his influence, resources, and responsibilities faithfully. Grow his heart to love, protect, and empower those he leads.

6. Pray for provision and stewardship

  • God, I pray You would open doors of provision for _______ and show him how to manage money wisely. Help him be diligent and ethical in his work. Guide him to invest well. Empower him to give generously to build Your Kingdom. Teach him to fix his hope fully on Your eternal riches.
  • Father, bless _______ so that he can bless others. Grant him wisdom to steward his finances, time, gifts and opportunities well for Your glory. Create in him a spirit of gratitude, contentment, and generosity. Help him hold earthly possessions loosely.
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7. Pray for men to grow spiritually and fulfill their potential

  • Lord, I pray you would help ______ grow to spiritual maturity. Develop in him the fruit of Your Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Conform him fully to Your Son’s image. Fan his spiritual gifts into flame. Empower Him to walk in his calling and fulfill his destiny in You.
  • Heavenly Father, I pray ________ would grow deep spiritual roots in You. Nourish his soul through time in prayer and Your Word. Anchor his heart wholly in Your love. Grant him spiritual discernment to recognize Your voice. Embolden his witness for Christ. Make him spiritually strong to resist temptation.

8. Pray for emotional and mental health

  • God, I ask You to bring peace, hope, and inner healing to _______’s heart. If painful memories or depression hold him captive, set him free by Your power. Heal deep wounds from his past. Guard his mind from anxious thoughts. Fill him afresh with Your perfect love that casts out all fear.
  • Lord, I pray you would give _______ the mind of Christ. Renew and purify his thoughts. Help him take every thought captive and make it obedient to You. Protect him from mental attacks from the enemy. Calm any emotional storms within him by Your peace.

9. Pray for physical strength, health, and rest

  • Father, please strengthen _______’s body to serve You wholeheartedly. Keep him from physical attacks of the enemy. Grant him discipline to care for his body through proper nutrition and exercise. Give him wisdom to manage stress well and balance work with rest. When sickness hits, bring swift healing.
  • God, I pray You will help _______ develop healthy patterns for sleeping and waking. Calm his mind from anxious thoughts at night. When insomnia hits, grant him Your supernatural peace to sleep. Energize him each morning to greet You before diving into work. Renew his body through times of play and joy with family.

10. Pray for mentors, community, and church involvement

  • Lord, I ask You to surround _______ with strong Christian mentors and friends who will challenge his growth. Use their advice and godly examples to inspire him toward deeper faith and obedience. Give him a humble heart to learn and receive from others You send his way.
  • God, thank You for placing _______ in a community of faith at _______ Church. Help him fully engage by using his gifts to build up others. Grow his heart to serve the needs of his church family. Open doors for him to disciple younger believers and share his experiences following You. Unify his congregation in love.
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10 Done For You Prayers for Men Based on Scripture

Here are 10 different prayers you can use for praying for our men. Remember that men who are Christians are a part of the body of Christ and we should be praying for them. And for those who don’t know Christ, we should be praying for them to receive the hope that we have.

1. A Prayer for Men’s Wisdom

James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Praying this verse asks God for the wisdom to make choices that align with His will, especially when facing difficult decisions or confusion. Men need God’s wisdom to lead their families, steward their finances well, love their wives, raise their children, and navigate work challenges.

Here is a sample prayer for wisdom based on James 1:5:

“Father in heaven, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. I know that apart from you, we are all prone to foolishness and poor discernment. _____ needs wisdom from your Spirit to lead his family well and make choices that align with your will. I ask that you would grant him wisdom beyond his years to understand your ways and walk in them.

Help him be a godly husband to his wife and father to his children. Give him an understanding heart to know how to serve and love them as Christ loved the church. Guide him by your wisdom at work, at church, and in all his relationships. Keep him from temptation and sinful choices.

Thank you for promising to generously supply wisdom to those who ask. I pray you would pour out your supernatural wisdom over my friend today. Empower him to live a life full of grace and truth that brings glory to you. In Jesus’s name, Amen.”

2. Prayer for Purity

Psalm 51:10 says “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Praying this verse asks God to renew our minds and give us pure hearts, free from lust, greed and sinful desires. It’s easy for men to fall into sexual temptation and impurity. Regular prayer for inner purity and moral integrity keeps men on the right path.

Here is a sample prayer for purity based on Psalm 51:10:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. I know that impurity often reigns in his heart and mind, as it does in all of us. Sinful desires are a constant temptation for him.

Lord, create in _____ a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within him. Remove any lust, greed, immorality or wickedness and replace them with godly principles. Help him to set his heart and mind on things above, not earthly things. Strengthen him to flee from sexual immorality and walk in the light. Uphold him with integrity of heart and moral courage.

Help him submit to Your word. Cleanse his thoughts, words and deeds with your refining fire. Thank you for forgiving and making _____ new through your honor and power. I pray that he would live a holy life that honors you. Guard his eyes, mind and body from temptation.

Empower him to glorify you with sexual purity and honor his wife with complete fidelity. In Jesus’s name, Amen.”

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3. Prayer for Humility 

James 4:10 instructs “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

Praying this verse reminds us to stay humble, avoid pride, and recognize God as supreme over our lives. Pride is a common downfall for men, often manifesting as arrogance, ego and self-reliance apart from God. Seeking humility focuses us on God’s grace at work in our lives.

Here is a sample prayer for humility based on James 4:10:

“Mighty God, I lift up my friend _____ before you today. I pray that you would help him walk in humility in all his ways. We know that you created all things, please help him glorify you by recognizing this fact.

Protect him from prideful thoughts and attitudes that can harden his heart toward you. Remind _____ that every good gift in his life comes from you alone. Apart from Christ, he can do nothing. Teach him not to think of himself too highly, but to esteem others above himself.

Crucify any pride or selfish ambition within him. Give him a spirit of humility, gentleness, and modesty. Help _____ submit his talents and resources to you as worship. Empty him more and more of ego so he can be filled with the mind of Christ. Use him to selflessly serve others for your glory.

Continue to humble him in ways that lead to greater dependence on you. Thank you for opposing the proud but giving grace to the humble. I pray your grace would abound in my friend _____. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

4. Prayer for Courage 

Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Praying this verse asks God for courage to face trials, take on leadership roles, endure hardship, and tackle frightening tasks that God calls us to. It reminds us of God’s presence and strength when our own courage fails.

Here is a sample prayer for courage based on Joshua 1:9:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. When he faces trials, hardships and intimidating situations, fill him with your perfect courage. Remove any paralyzing fear or anxiety that overwhelms him.

Remind _____ that you are with him wherever he goes – he has nothing to dread with you by his side. Renew his strength and encourage his heart when he feels helpless. Embolden him with supernatural courage far beyond his own. Help _____ be strong and fully obedient to your commands, no matter what opposition he faces.

When he wants to turn and run, steady his heart to stand firm and walk by faith. As he steps out in courage, use his life powerfully for your Kingdom purposes. May your boldness arise within him in every situation he encounters.

Thank you for equipping him with Your Holy Spirit which can give strength in times of weakness. Thank you for promising to make your power perfect in his weakness. I claim courage for my friend _____ today in Jesus’s mighty name, Amen!”

5. Prayer for Leadership 

1 Timothy 3:1 says, “If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.”

Praying this verse asks God for the wisdom and discernment to lead one’s family, church or organization with servant-hearted excellence. Leadership carries heavy burdens, and this prayer recognizes the spiritual gravity of guiding others well.

Here is a sample prayer for leadership based on 1 Timothy 3:1:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. I pray you would help him lead his family, church, or organization with Christlike character and wisdom.

Please bless him for accepting the responsibility for leadership within their families and their circle of influence. Protect his heart from pride and self-serving motivations. Fill _____ with your Holy Spirit to empower others rather than control them.

I know that men are protectors of their families but please also make him a servant leader who models integrity, honesty, and moral courage. Guide his decisions and strategies so he stewards resources wisely and cares for those under his leadership with compassion.

Help him teach their children your godly ways. When facing criticism, increase his trust in your sovereign plan. Help him cast vision boldly, make wise decisions, and cultivate unity. Set a guard over his mouth that his words may encourage others and point them toward you.

Enable _____ to follow Christ’s example as a loving, humble leader devoted to your purposes. Shine the light of Jesus through him. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen.”

Ultimate prayer list comprising 100 daily prayers.

6. Prayer for Provision

 Matthew 6:11 says, “Give us today our daily bread.”

Praying this verse asks God to provide for our material needs while recognizing His faithful provision day by day. Men often bear the weight of financially providing for their households. Bringing these concerns to God relieves anxiety about meeting family needs.

Here is a sample prayer for provision based on Matthew 6:11:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. You hold the earth and its riches in your hands – you are his provider. Give _____ his daily bread, supplying all his needs according to your will.

Forgive him for worrying about material things or doubting your faithfulness at times. Remind him of how you miraculously provide, just as you did for the Israelites in the wilderness. Increase his trust in you to take care of him and his family.

Help _____ be content in times of plenty and in times of hunger or want. Guard his heart against greed and envy. Nourish his soul continually with your Word and remind him of the unsearchable spiritual riches we have in Christ.

You are Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides. I pray your provision over my friend _____ today. Meet every need he has. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

7. Prayer for Faithfulness 

Psalm 119:33-35 says “Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart.”

Praying these verses asks God to guide us in faithfulness – keeping His statues, obeying His Word, and following His ways continually. As leaders, men set the tone for faithfulness in their families.

Here is a sample prayer for faithfulness based on Psalm 119:33-35: 

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ before you today. Teach him your ways, O Lord, and give him understanding so that he may keep your law wholeheartedly all the days of his life with his good works.

Uphold him by your grace so that he may have the strength to obey your Word in his thoughts, speech and conduct. Guard _____ against wandering or being led astray. Keep his feet on the straight and narrow path that leads to life. Fill him with joy that comes from striving to keep your righteous commands.

Use him to model faithfulness to his wife and children in all he says and does. Purify his heart so that he can serve you out of sincere devotion, not merely outward duty. Grow _____ endurance and commitment to walk closely with you until that day he sees you face to face. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

8. Prayer for Peace

 Philippians 4:6-7 says “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Praying these verses invites God’s supernatural peace into situations of anxiety, giving thanks and releasing burdensome thoughts to Him. Men often wrestle with anxiety and maintaining inner peace in difficult circumstances.

Here is a sample prayer for peace based on Philippians 4:6-7:

“Heavenly Father, please help my friend _____ today. His heart is overwhelmed by anxiety, fear and worry. The burdens of life feel too heavy for him to carry. Pour out your supernatural peace over his life.

Set up guard over his heart and mind. Take all his stressed thoughts and racing mind into your capable hands. Thank you for bearing his burdens when he casts his cares upon you. Replace fretful thinking with gratitude and trust in your good plans. Still racing thoughts with confidence in your control. Quiet his worries with assurance of your great love for him.

Surround _____ with your perfect peace that passes understanding. When his eyes fixate on the storms of life, redirect his focus to you, the Prince of Peace. Help him remember that he can be transformed by the renewing of his mind.

Thank you for reconciling him to yourself through Christ so he may know true peace. Calm his anxious soul as he seeks you wholeheartedly. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen.”

9. Prayer for Healing 

James 5:14-15 says “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.”

Praying these verses brings our physical and emotional wounds to God for healing, asking church leaders to pray over us. Men are often hesitant to admit pain and need for healing, but opening our hearts to God can bring restoration.

Here is a sample prayer for healing based on James 5:14-15:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____  to you today. As the Great Physician, I ask for your healing balm to cover every ailment he faces. Search his heart and examine any anxious thoughts or weariness of spirit.

Forgive any unconfessed sin that may hinder his healing. Touch him gently as Jesus touched the sick, mending all that is broken. Restore his energy, strength, and vitality. Heal any emotional wounds or painful places he hides within. Remove all bitterness, anger or resentment.

Fill _____ with your forgiveness and joy. Guide all doctors and medical staff treating him with wisdom and compassion. Help him make any lifestyle changes needed to live a fully healthy life.

Remind him of your promise that by your stripes we are healed. When discouragement sets in, renew his spirit with hope in your healing power. I surrender my friend _____ to your restorative care, asking for full healing. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.”

10. Prayer for Integrity 

Proverbs 11:3 says, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”

Praying this verse asks God to develop integrity and honesty within us, not duplicity. Men face temptations to compromise their values and cut ethical corners in relationships, family commitments, and work obligations. Upholding integrity in an age of situational compromise requires God’s strength and discernment. As Proverbs reminds us, integrity is a moral compass that guides our lives in ways that please God.

Here is a sample prayer for integrity based on Proverbs 11:3:

“Heavenly Father, I lift up my friend _____ to you today. Develop strong integrity within him so others can see their good works. When temptation comes to compromise values or take unethical shortcuts, empower _____ to walk in honesty and uprightness.

Guard his heart against duplicity, deception and hypocrisy. Help align his private life with his public persona. Give him courage to do what’s right even when difficult or unpopular. Open his eyes to any areas where he rationalizes wrong behavior.

Convict him sharply when believing the ends ever justify improper means. Remind _____ that integrity guides our lives to please you. Keep his conscience tender to your Holy Spirit. Enable quick admission of mistakes and amends when needed.

As Christ embodied perfect righteousness, align  _____ character with His. Make him a man of complete honesty, strong morals and ethics in all he does. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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Who Can You Use These Prayers for Men for?

You can use these for any man you don’t know or for men in general. Here are some ideas of who to use these prayers for men for:

  • Your pastor/preacher
  • Prayer for a man of God
  • Praying for your husband
  • A prayer for your future husband
  • A man who doesn’t know Jesus
  • A friend who is a man
  • Married men
  • Single men
  • Praying for men in general
  • You can put all of these together and use them as a daily prayer for men in your life

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can I Use These Prayers for Men for?

You can use these for any man you don’t know or for men in general. Here are some ideas of who to use these prayers for men for:

  • Your pastor/preacher
  • Prayer for a man of God
  • Praying for your husband
  • A prayer for your future husband
  • A man who doesn’t know Jesus
  • A friend who is a man
  • Married men
  • Single men
  • Praying for men in general
  • You can put all of these together and use them as a daily prayer for men in your life

How can I pray for the men if I don’t know details about their lives?

Even if you don’t know specifics, you can still cover men in general prayer. Ask God to strengthen men you know against cultural lies and enemy attacks they face. Pray for their relationships, faith, purity, direction, leadership, provision, health, and spiritual growth. Ask God to hide them in the shelter of His wings as they abide in Him.

Should I only pray for the men I’m close with?

While it’s great to intercede specifically for men in your circle, don’t limit your prayers to only those you know well. Your pastor, mentors, leaders in your community, politicians, husbands of friends – they all need prayer cover! Ask God to show you more men He wants you to pray for.

What if the men I’m praying for seem resistant to change?

Keep praying in faith, no matter how unlikely change seems! God moves in response to prayer in His timing, not ours. Your persistent prayers make a difference over time. Pray for softened hearts to receive God’s work. Remember that only God has the power to transform – prayer simply releases His power.

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Prayers for Men in your life, woman praying over a man

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