How to Make a Blog To do List in Trello
Being organized in your blogging journey helps in so many aspects, including saving time and most importantly, getting things done!
This post is will walk you through how to create a to-do list and prioritize your tasks so that you can get things done the best way possible!
This video will show you how to create your to-do list
I’ll cover:
- First: how to make an “everything” list
- Second: You’ll break that list down into time slots to work more efficiently
- Third: How to label those tasks by their importance
- Fourth: You can move them over to a satisfying done list
- Fifth: How to add checklists to your cards
This is the second video in my blog organization videos
Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so that you’ll be updated when my next videos are released!
Not all the videos will be about Trello, I want you to organize every aspect of your blog so make sure to stay tuned because I have some awesome content coming!
To see the introduction to Trello video for blogging organization click here:
Introduction to Trello to Organize Your Blog
If you’d like to take your organization to the next level:
You can grab my course! If you’ve ever needed to organize your manual pinning I have the solution for you:
This video will show you how to make an extremely organized and efficient to-do list for your blog. If you stick to it, it’ll help you stop wasting time wondering what you should do. And when you have an extra ten minutes you know exactly what you can be doing for your business!
And make sure to join my Facebook group The Organized Blog Society!
Ready to get your Blog Organized?
Related posts:
Introduction to Trello to Organize Your Blog
The Best Blogging Resources to run your blog
How to Start a Blog Ultimate Checklist
How to Finally have the Best Manual Pinning Organization in Trello