
33 Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers [Find your Blogging Community]

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Are you a member of any Facebook Groups for Bloggers? If not you need to be! There is so much valuable information that can come from Facebook Groups. I have learned so much FREE info it’s hard to count. Facebook groups are also great for networking with other bloggers and sharing your content. I’ve curated a list of my favorites for you!

Free Trello Bootcamp for Bloggers

The Best Facebook Groups for Bloggers that I recommend:

My group:

I have a Facebook group dedicated to organized blogging! I share lots of tips and tricks for organizing and just blogging in general! I’d love for you to join us!

Join here:

THE organized Blog Society Facebook Group


You can Find your Blogging Community in one of these All Niche Facebook Groups:

Blogging Like We Mean it

This group was created by Carly Campbell an Elite Blog Academy grad. This is my favorite blogging group. Everyone is extremely helpful and encouraging. And there is some amazing advice in here!

Blogger Education Network

This has quickly become one of my favorite groups. Tracie tells it like it is, and I love that! You can ask all your blogging questions in here!

Just Keep Blogging

Kim Anderson is the founder of the podcast Just Keep Blogging (which is a great podcast by the way). Her group is incredible and she also has a paid mentored membership group!

Women Winning Online

This group is wonderful! And it has a great sharing thread!

Blogging Newbs

This group is by Mckenzie Bean. I just love her. I took her beginner Pinterest course when I first started blogging and she left a wonderful impression on me ever since!

Blogging 101

This is a great group to ask questions and glean information from!

The Mama CEO Club

Another great group to ask questions and glean great information!

Blogging That Works

Related: The Best Blogging Resources You Need 

Caroline Vencil is an amazing blogger. Plus she goes live in this group with tips!

Blog What you Love with Jennifer Maker

If you’re ever looking for “proof of blogging concept” Jennifer Maker is your girl. I love how she shares her process and her pitfalls. And how her hard work pays off to success. She is definitely successful, but at the same time down to earth. Wonderful group.

Facebook Sharing Groups

Connect and Share for Blogging Success

You can share your posts whenever you’d like in this group.

Blogging with Purpose

This is a very helpful group! I placed it in this category because it has a lot of weekly sharing threads.

Blogger Helping Bloggers

Share posts whenever you’d like in this Facebook Group.

Grow your Blog

This group has dedicated share threads.

33 facebook groups for bloggers find your blogging community

Christian Blogger Facebook Groups:

By His Grace Bloggers

This is my favorite Christian Facebook Group! I love how helpful and encouraging this group is!

Blessing Bloggers

Blessing Bloggers may be small but they are mighty in encouragement!

Christian Creators Community

She offers daily, weekly and monthly engagement threads!

Christian Bloggers/Writers Network

Related: How to Organize Your Facebook Groups For Bloggers in Trello

This group is for sharing your Christian blog posts

Bloggers Corner

This is another helpful group!

God-Glorifying Bloggers

This is another place to share your Christian blog posts!

Christian Blogger Network

You can also share you Christian blog posts in this group!

Blog Camp Bloggers Cafe

This is a helpful Christian Group!

Mom Blogger Facebook Groups

Redefining Mom

A great community to support mom entrepreneurs!


An amazingly supportive group for mama entrepreneurs, not just bloggers. I’m always encouraged by how the women in this group are so helpful!

Mom Bloggers Unite

This group has specific share threads daily.

Other Great Blogging Facebook Groups:

PS. Brand Beautiful

She creates incredible stock photos, and if you subscribe to her list you get free stock photos every month! Plus her group is super helpful!

Simple Pin Pinterest Strategy Group

One of the best groups out there for Pinterest advice. Created by Kate Ahl from SimplePinMedia.

Simplifying Design for Bloggers

Helpful group that will help you with your creative skills.

Creative at Heart

One of my favorite people. I took her free graphic design course that helped me learn how to make better pins! Her course is amazing!! And so is her group!

Pinterest Group Board Groups

These groups don’t need much explanation. They all allow you to share your group boards and find group boards to join!

Pinterest Group Boards | Pinterest Repins | Pinterest Followers | Traffic

Pinterest Group Boards

Pinterest Group Boards

Pinterest for Lady Bloggers & Business Owners

Bloggers Unite on Pinterest

Post/Join a Pinterest Group Board

Pinterest Group Board Buddies

Was this a whole lot of Facebook groups? No need to be overwhelmed. Let me help you organize them.

I hope this was helpful! This is just a fraction of the Facebook groups for bloggers out there. Sign up below to grab my free 5-Day Blogging Organization Trello Bootcamp email course!

Related Posts:

5-Day Blog Organization Trello Boot Camp

My Blogging Resource Recommendations

Introduction to Trello to organize your Blog

How to Organize your Affiliates in Trello

How to Upload to Instagram from your PC

How to Use Chrome Multiple Profiles to Separate your Browsers for life and Business

Want to find your blogger community? I have a list of more than 33 facebook blogger communities! Join blogger facebook groups and find like minded bloggers just like you! I've also included lots of blog engagement groups to skyrocket your stats!Facebook group for blog | facebook marketing | blogging for beginners | blog tips | #blogging #bloggingforbeginners #facebookgroups #blogengangementgroups

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