The One Tip You Need to Breastfeed Successfully
I’ve had the pleasure of breastfeeding three little humans. And I get asked a lot if I have any tips on how to breastfeed successfully. One always comes to mind and I cannot stress it enough! I wish someone had told me this before I had my first son. Instead, I went home from the hospital, lost and not knowing what to do. I pumped because I was scared to breastfeed. Two weeks passed and I finally had to sit down and have a talk with my son. I told him we were a team and that we would figure out how to breastfeed together. I’m glad I had the pep talk, but I wish I would have never gotten to that point.
P.S. Make sure to check the bottom of this post for some essentials for breastfeeding!
The One Tip you Need to Breastfeed Successfully
Ready for it?
Before you get rolled out of a wheelchair from the hospital see a lactation consultant and KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.
You see, once you’re out those hospital doors, there is no lactation consultant to help you. Many mothers turn to Facebook, or a friend and most eventually give up.
Why? Because they don’t know how to latch their baby, or they don’t know if their baby is eating enough.
Momma, let me tell you, it seems all babies eat differently when they are first born. But there is someone at the hospital that is trained to help you figure it all out.
Lactation consultants usually work in shifts. Find out when she’ll be around and make sure you tell the nurses to have her come to your room whenever she’s able to. And then practice.
Become confident in what you are doing. Babies eat every 1 to 3 hours usually when they are first born so there is plenty of time to practice.
You can breastfeed successfully.
Questions to ask the Lactation Consultant
Is my baby latched correctly?
Should I use a nipple shield?
Can you check for tongue or lip tie?
Is there anything that I can improve?
Pssst….Have you had your baby yet? If not sign up for this FREE Online Prenatal Class!
Extra Tips For Breastfeeding
I cannot stress enough, that your determination is what will get you from the hospital to the finish line (whatever age that may be). If you can get through the first two weeks, then you can be successful.
If your baby seems to not open wide enough once latched, you can move their chin down with your finger for a larger latch.
Find a lactation consultant in your area that you can call or go in for a consult if you have additional issues.
Breastfeeding is a sacrifice, one that is more than worth it!
Products to get you through your first month and beyond of breastfeeding
These are ALL extremely helpful and I highly recommend them:
First up Lansinoh Nipple Cream!
This right here is THE most important thing you need when you start breastfeeding. Trust me. You’re going to want nipple cream. Put this one after every time your baby feeds and you’ll avoid dry cracked nipples!
Whenever you are in pain or engorged Lansinoh Soothie Pads come to the rescue! They are especially helpful when you first start breastfeeding!
These pads are amazing. Breastfeeding hurts, these give immediate relief. Keep them in the fridge!
These Lansinoh Storage Bags are a must have!
I forgot these when I had my first baby, and made sure to bring them with me for the next two. If you decide to pump, which almost everyone does, you’ll need a place to put your milk! And you’ll need a lot! These are my personal favorite.
You definitely need these little miracles: Lansinoh TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pack
These were life savers for me. Around day two or three your milk will come in, whether you decide to breastfeed or not. And I don’t sugar coat- it’ll feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. I warm these up in the microwave and they provide great relief!
To help with leaking grab Lansinoh Disposable Pads
Can you tell I’m a fan of Lansinoh? Because they’re the best. Did anyone ever tell you that you will leak milk? Yup. It’ll happen, these will help conceal and absorb so that you don’t have embarrassing moments!
A best-kept secret: the Hakaa Manual Pump
Don’t skip over this one. I know it says manual breast pump. But what it really is, is a best-kept secret. When you feed your baby on one side, you’ll leak out of the other. If you place this on the other side, guess what? It collects the milk so that you can store it! This thing is amazing!!!
Don’t start your journey without a breast pump: Medela Pump in Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump
Last but not least is a Medala breast pump. I used one for all three of my children and I was never disappointed. With my last child, I opted for the backpack because it was more convenient for me! But they have a purse style too!
One Last Amazing Resource
This online breastfeeding course. That’s right. It’s online and you can do it at home and be a breastfeeding wiz before you ever have your baby! Isn’t that amazing?! I wish I had this before I had my first born!
Check it out here:
The Ultimate Breastfeeding Class
I wrote a review for it here: Learn the Best Tips for first time Breastfeeding with this course
Please, I’m begging you. If you plan to breastfeed, I promise you will have so much more success if you talk to a lactation consultant before you leave so you can be confident in what you’re doing. It is worth the time. You’re breastfeeding anyways, right? Might as well have someone guide you!
Know anyone that wants to breastfeed? Share this with them! If you read this and it is helpful, leave me a comment, and feel free to ask me some questions! I love talking about breastfeeding!
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